Cute Spinning Flower Red
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New school, new environment but I'll always wait for you..
My story ♥

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Entries Owner Darlos Bloglist


You're so totally mine.♥


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Dec 21, 2012 | 11:25 PM | 0 panda

K fine, kalau aku tau aku tak bukak pun takpa.
Aku tengah sabar. Patut aku pun hg dah taknak layan.
Aku tahu aku dah tkda hak! Tp aku sakit hati!
Aku benci post aku tadi. Baru sikit dah buat macamtu.
Kalau aku tahu, dr dulu lagi aku takkan terima hang balik! Hergh.
Yes aku tahu hang tak pernah sayang aku pun.
Esok, after 12 am aku nak tukar number.
I'll forget you and yes I will.

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